
A "presentation mode" version of the ebook "A travel through time to explore past and future megadroughts"

I created a "presentation mode" version of the ebook "A travel through time to explore past and future megadroughts" (linked in the left column here) which can be downloaded at the link below. It is a powerpoint file that may be useful when presenting to an audience.

It also was an opportunity to revise the ebook and add a page on megadroughts during the "Common Era".

Enjoy your travel! If you have any comment please do send an email to me.

Thanks a lot.

New scientific paper: "The sword of Damocles of the impossible flood"

We are pleased to report the publication of our (together with Guenter Bloeschl and Bruno Merz) opinion paper "The Sword of Damocles of the impossible flood". It discusses reasons why floods often call us by surprise.

This is main research focus at the moment, one of the central themes of my brand new project CO22Water. If you are interested please follow the web page of the project, there will be opportunities to contribute soon.

My presentation "Uncertainty assessment for predictions of natural hazard events and impact" at the workshop "Multi risk models from assessment to validation and implication for decision making" - Bari, June 2024

My presentation "Uncertainty assessment for predictions of natural hazard events and impact" at the workshop "Multi risk models from assessment to validation and implication for decision making", that took place in Bari during June 20-21 2024, is available at the link below.

Thanks a lot for your interest.


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My presentation at the AGU Fall Meeting 2017 "Recent breakthroughs and themes in hydrology, from climate to the water-food-energy nexus"

My presentation at the AGU Fall Meeting 2017 titled "Recent breakthroughs  and themes in hydrology,  from climate to the water-food-energy nexus" is available for download at the link below. It is essentially a synthesis of my editorial experience in Water Resources Research.
Thanks for your interest.


My presentation at the meeting of the Life-Iris project "Improve resilience of the industrial sector", Bomporto, November 21, 2017 (in Italian)

My presentation at the meeting of the Life-Iris project "Improve resilience of the industrial sector" (Bomporto, November 21, 2017) titled "Climate change: extreme rainfall, flood risk  and adaptation strategies" (in Italian) can be downloaded at the link below.
Thank you for your interest.

Science paper: Changing climate shifts timing of European floods

I had the opportunity to participate, together with Attilio Castellarin and several other researchers, to a study conducted by a team at the Technical University of Wien, showing that the timing of the floods has shifted across much of Europe. The sheds light on the influence of climate change on flood risk in Europe. The study was led by Prof. Guenter Bloeschl, who already cooperated with us in the past.  The results highlight that climate change has induced a shift in the timing of floods over the years.

Presentation "Should we reconsider the conceptual structure of hydrological models?"

At the 2017 scientific assembly in Port Elizabeth (South Africa) I gave a perspective talk titled "Should we reconsider the conceptual structure of hydrological models?". My presentation is a bit provocative and focuses on stochastic physically-based modeling of hydrological processes. It also presents the concept of stochastic catchment area as a stochastic control volume for applying balance equation in hydrology.

Presentation at the 2017 IAHS scientific assembly on Panta Rhei

I presented a perspective on the status of the IAHS scientific decade 2013-2022 <a href=>Panta Rhei</a> at the IAHS 2017 scientific assembly in Port Elizabeth (South Africa). Panta Rhei is about change in hydrology and society. My presentation focuses on the history of Panta Rhei and draws future perspectives. The powerpoint file is available at the link below.
Thanks for your interest.

My presentation at the University of Calabria titled "Flood risk mitigation in the presence of climate change: Strategies for adaptation and mitigation" (in Italian)"

The University of Calabria organized a series of seminars titled "Giornate per la Difesa del Suolo". I presented a contribution titled "Flood risk mitigation in the presence of climate change: Strategies for adaptation and mitigation" (in Italian: original title: "Difendere il Suolo in presenza di Cambiamenti Climatici ed Ambientali Strategie di Adattamento ed Intervento"). The talk is similar to the one I presented at the Accademia dei Lincei in November 2016, with further consideration on strategies for adapting to climate change.

My presentation at at the XXXIV Day of the Environment - Rome, National Academy of Sciences "Lincei" - November 8, 2016 (in Italian)

At the link below my invited presentation titled "Cambiamenti climatici, rischio alluvionale e rischio geologico:
strategie innovative di adattamento e mitigazione" (in Italian) is available for download. The presentation was delivered in Rome, on November 8, 2016.
Thank you for your interest.


My presentation at the Distinguished Lectures Series - University of Saskatchewan

I have been recently delighted to deliver an invited presentation at the University of Saskatchewan, within their Distinguished Lectures Series. I decided to present my perspective on recent developments in hydrology and ways forward.

The title of the talk is "Seeking a Step Forward in Research and Education in Water Science".

My presentation (18 Mb) is available for download at the link at the bottom of this page. The video of the lecture is available here below.

Thank you for your interest.