Selected scientific lectures

  • Lecture at the educational school "Lincei per il clima" organised by the National Academy of Italy (in Italian) - Genova March 15, 2022 - "Climate change and frequency/intensity of extreme hydrometeorological events. What solutions?"

Video of the lecture on YouTube

  • EGU Darcy Medal Lecture "Hydrology is important" - Vienna April 12, 2018

The powerpoint presentation of the lecture
The citation by Guenter Bloeschl

  • IAHS-WMO-UNESCO Dooge Medal Lecture "To change or not to change, that is the question" - Montreal July 12, 2019

The powerpoint presentation of the lecture

  • Presentation at the Distinguished Lectures Series - University of Saskatchewan "Seeking a Step Forward in Research and Education in Water Science" - Saskatoon October 5, 2016

The powerpoint presentation and the video of the lecture

  • Presentation at the National Academy - Accademia dei Lincei - "Idrologia del Fiume Po. Deflussi, antropizzazione ed eventi estremi" - Rome, March 22, 2012

Powerpoint presentation (in Italian)
Video of the lecture (in Italian)
Scientific paper in Hydrology and Earth System Sciences

  • Panta Rhei start up talk "Panta Rhei. The IAHS Scientific Decade 2013-2022" - Goteborg, July 25, 2013

Powerpoint presentation
Video of the talk
Scientific paper in Hydrological Sciences Journal