
New scientific paper: "The sword of Damocles of the impossible flood"

We are pleased to report the publication of our (together with Guenter Bloeschl and Bruno Merz) opinion paper "The Sword of Damocles of the impossible flood". It discusses reasons why floods often call us by surprise.

This is main research focus at the moment, one of the central themes of my brand new project CO22Water. If you are interested please follow the web page of the project, there will be opportunities to contribute soon.

My presentation "Uncertainty assessment for predictions of natural hazard events and impact" at the workshop "Multi risk models from assessment to validation and implication for decision making" - Bari, June 2024

My presentation "Uncertainty assessment for predictions of natural hazard events and impact" at the workshop "Multi risk models from assessment to validation and implication for decision making", that took place in Bari during June 20-21 2024, is available at the link below.

Thanks a lot for your interest.


My presentation at the meeting "80 Years of Hydrology" (Salerno, 23-24 January 2024) titled "Civil protection in Italy: origin, evolution and future perspectives" (in Italian)

My invited presentation (together with Pierluigi Claps and Paola Pagliara) titled "Civil protection in Italy: origin, evolution and future perspectives" (in Italian)  at the meeting "80 Years of Hydrology" (Salerno, January 23-24, 2024) is available for download at the link below.

It is a celebration of the contributions by Fabio Rossi and Lino Versace to civil protection.

Thank you for your interest.


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Presentation "Effect of global-scale human pressure evolution on water resources sustainability" given at the symposium "Recent Advances in Water Resources Research and Modelling", Delft, September 28, 2018

My invited presentation "Effect of  global-scale human pressure evolution on water resources sustainability", given at the symposium "Recent Advances in Water Resources Research and Modelling", held in Delft on September 28, 2018, can be downloaded at the link below.
Thank you for your interest.

Scientific paper: Detection of trends in magnitude and frequency of flood peaks across Europe

The article Detection of trends in magnitude and frequency of flood peaks across Europe has been just published on the Hydrological Sciences Journal.

This study analyses the trends in magnitude and frequency of floods for the period 1965–2005 in several European sites. The paper has been selected as the featured article in Volume 63, Issue 4 of the journal.

The citation by Guenter Bloeschl at the Darcy Medal Ceremony

During my Darcy Medal ceremony my citationist was Guenter Bloeschl. I am very grateful to Guenter for delivering a very flattering citation, which I am copying here below (with Guenter's permission). During my career I had the fortune to meet amazing colleagues, at the University of Bologna, in the Italian community of hydrologists and engineers, and the scientific associations I am member of. In particular, I shared many research collaboration with Guenter and Demetris Koutsoyiannis.

EGU Darcy Medal Lecture: "Hydrology is important" - Vienna April 12, 2018

I had the great honor to be awarded the Darcy Medal of the European Geosciences Union (EGU). The award ceremony took place in Vienna, during the EGU General Assembly, on April 12, 2018. I delivered a medal lecture titled "Hydrology is important". It is a summary of my research experience and activity so far. It is also reporting some personal considerations and stories.

My presentation at the AGU Fall Meeting 2017 "Recent breakthroughs and themes in hydrology, from climate to the water-food-energy nexus"

My presentation at the AGU Fall Meeting 2017 titled "Recent breakthroughs  and themes in hydrology,  from climate to the water-food-energy nexus" is available for download at the link below. It is essentially a synthesis of my editorial experience in Water Resources Research.
Thanks for your interest.